Sunday, March 16, 2008

March 5th, 2008

Today was another IT lesson with Mrs. Lindsay. Like everytime we learn something new, which we have to use later on for the future work. Today was a lesson where everyone had to catch up with the tasks that we had to complete because a lot of people were behind. I completed all the tasks that were asked to complete this class, so now I am not behind the class. Mrs. Lindsay taught us today how to Print+Screen a page. We basically just have to print screen the page and then add that information onto the web page that we wish to add it on to. After print screening the page, you have to open up a paint page and paste it on to there. Then you crop the picture out as much as you want it and then save it as a .jpg file. I tried using this new technique today on my blogger, however, it did not work out for some technical problems that the computers were having this class. I wished to add more detail onto some of my blogposts however the print screening did not work out. SInce it does not work at school, I will try to put in the extra detail at home for homework. Mrs. Lindsay told us that if we put screen shots onto our blogposts then the page will look more attractive and it will also be more interesting for the reader to read!

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