Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Inspiration (Week 5-6 Design)

This is one of the things that we have been doing for the last couple of days, in order to complete the design stage. First of all, we had to create a wikispaces account, so that we could begin the process. Our first task was to make up a plan for our digital portfolios. In order to do this, we needed to use a software, called Inspiration, so that our plans could be clear and easy to read. The plan basically looks like a mind map, and it represents all of the things that are going to be placed on the digital portfolio. First of all, I started off with a wikispace site, and I used the biggest circle to represent that since that is the most important part. After I explored on how to use the inspiration software, I found out that you could be creative and could use other pictures to represent the subject that you are trying to show. For example, for the community and service section I didnt use a boring old round box that was available on inspiration. I went onto the internet, and got a picture of the Earth, since that is what you could link to the subject of community and service. I also used smiley faces for the subjects that I am planning to lay out on my digital portfolio. These smiley faces made the mind map look more lively, and funny as well! After I completed my mindmap, I uploaded onto my wikispace, since that is what we will be using for the next couple of classes. I am happy that I completed this task in one lesson!

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