Thursday, February 28, 2008
Task 2: Digitial Portfolio
There are many important features of a digital porfolio. First of all, it is a goal-driven, organized collection of artefacts and reflections that are used to demonstrate a change of skills and knowledge over time. This is important because it shows the evidence of a students knowledge, and it also makes it easier for teachers to grade students work this way.
Another important feature of a digital portfolio is that it gives you a collection and series of a students work that they have completed over time. It is basically like a year book, telling you the students accomplishments throughout the task that was given. The porfolios also give you a wide range of their work. When you create your digital portfolio, the information that is given on it basically demonstrates the students learning skills, and what their understanding was like over time. Digital portfolios are not like the grades that you get in school and achieve, it is all about what you have learned and put onto your portfolio, and by the end of the process showing the teacher what you have achieved throughout this process.
Lastly, the portfolios allow teachers and your other classmates to see what you have learned and how you have improved your learning skills throughout the course. These digital portfolios are different from getting back test scores, because of the fact that it shows the teacher how you improve your learning skills almost everyday. Portfolios that have a lot of information on them shows the growth of a students knowledge and overall what knowledge they have gained by the end of it.
- List one advantage and one disadvantage of a digital portfolio.
There are many advantages when using a digital portfolio. One of these advantages are technology. This is because nowadays, technology is used the most to communicate. On digital protfolios, students can always include slideshows, and other multimedia videos through their portfolio. By using digital portfolios, this will also increase their knowledge on computers and technology which is very important these days because of the fact that most of the communication that is done with other people is used with technology. This will even improve your mistakes when using digital portfolios in the future because of everything that you learn in your first experience. This is just one of the advantages of using digital portfolios, there are many more!
There are also many disadvantages when it comes to using digital portoflios. One disadvntage of using a digital portfolio is plagiarism. This is because of the fact that anything you put onto the internet these days, could easily be copied and pasted onto another persons account. Since you put your information up in digital format, it is always eas to view this information on the internet, and can always get copied by another person using a digital portfolio. This is a big disadvantage because plagiarism is very common these days since a lot of information is so open on the internet. Students should always be careful with their digital portoflios and work, if they dont want it getting plagiarized by other people using the same websites and same type of digital portfolios. To be on the safe side when using digital portfolios, I think it is always a good idea to put yours on private, so that no one can view your portfolio, and this will prevent it from getting plagiarized.
- find a student digital portfolio that you like, hyperlink the URL and describe the strengths and weaknesses of this portfolio
I liked a digital portfolio by a student called Melissa Woodward. The hyperlink to her digital portfolio is is The digital portfolio overall, is very good and it is a great example for others to view when making their own digital porfolio. The digtial portfolio has many strengths, however there are many weaknesses as well. One of the strengths that she has is that the layout of the portfolio is very well set. This is because it is quite original and it is very eye catchy as well. The navigation buttons look like blobs of paint squirted out of a bottle which look really cool. One her homepage, her full name shows up. The font she has used is very uniqe and creative. This is because it is very different from the others because it blinks and flashes, rather than boring old text that is not attractive at all. When you enter the digital portfolio, you will find it really cool because her name first of all catches your attention, so that means that the rest of her digital portfolio would be amazing, since the homepage is just the beginning. The color of her font is nice as well. This is because it stands out and it isnt hidden. She has a good sense of choosing the right color, because it matches with the background which is black, and really stands out as well. As you click on the different navigation buttons, they take you to a diffrent page and give you a new set of information. When I will be making my digital portfolio, I now know that I should be original, because it looks very attractive for the viewers. With all these strengths, there are also many weaknesses that Melissa has on her digital portfolio. One of these weaknesses is that she doesnt display that much information about her project on her digital portfolio. Most of the pages are quite blank, and dont have that much information displayed on them. She should improve this because the point of a digital portfolio is to show others how you imporved over time when doing the project. By viewing this digital portfolio, I now have some tips that I will be sure to use for the future when creating my own portfolio.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
The advantages of Animoto
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Third IT lesson
Second IT lesson
Monday, February 18, 2008
Vincent's Portfolio
The subjects that are on Vincent's page are the following:
He has many different titles and headings on the left margin of the page. When you click on these links, it takes you to a different page, and explains more about the heading that you have clicked on. For example, if you look at the heading that says "Languages" and choose one of the title, lets say Bangla, it takes you to a different page and talks about the language Bangla, basically tells you the history of it.
2. What is good about the web design? What is not so good? (Refer to colours, organisation of images and text, types of images etc)
The web page is good in many ways, however, there is still some room for improvements. The web page is layed out very well, and it has many subjects. It is also quite organized, and you don't get lost at all on his page. The headings and everything are very clear and there are no mistakes. It is also easy to get from one page to another, because you simply just have to click on the link of the subject that you want to view and it takes you there. This is what makes Vincent's page organized and simple, because it isnt too complicated or confusing. Even though the web page is organized, and layed out well, there are still many improvements that could be made. First of all, he could have written a better "Personal Statement" of himself. We can understand that it is a personal statement, however, he has too much unnecessary stuff. For example he stated "Who wouldn't love that awesome face of mine?Just look at it!" This is quite unnecessary, and I believe that in a personal statement you should just give facts about yourself, such as telling your hobbies, what you do in your daily life, rather than giving information on your webpage, which is not necessary. He can also improve the colors of the page. There is only one dark green background that is on each page that you click on. If it gives you the option, I think it wouldve been better to choose different backgrounds and designs, so that the web pages would look more unique and attractive, and fun to read! Also, in order to make the web pages even more attracive, he could have also used different types of fonts and different font colors on each page. This wouldve made the page stand out more and look more attractive. He also could have added more pictures to each page. This is because he only has one picture for each page. In a way, it is good that he has a small amount of pictures on each page and doesnt make the page look too crowded, however, he still needs to add a couple more pictures because every informative web page has more than one picture, so that it gives you more ideas about the topic. For example, for his english page, he only included one image, which isnt enough. It doesnt really give us an idea, and in order to visualize, they should be giving us more than one image for each page.
3. Make comments about the organisation of the portfolio. (Refer to navigation and how items are found)